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About Amy

Amy has more than 15 years of media experience, from reporting and editing for local newspapers to working as communications director for nonprofits and a university. She has experience managing social media pages, making videos and motion infographics, designing and managing web sites, designing reports and other printed materials, writing, editing in AP Style and developing communications strategies to meet various goals.

She earned her master’s degree in media theory and research from Southern Illinois University, focusing on digital media studies. Her thesis focused on effective strategies for increasing reach via social media. She earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of North Texas.

Find Amy on LinkedIn.


  • Communications, including written and verbal
  • Public Relations
  • Media Relations
  • Social media
  • Email marketing and fundraising
  • Editing
  • Tracking metrics and ROI using various analytics tools
  • Editorial concepts and practices
  • Web development, including HTML, CSS
  • Video Production
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • MS Office
  • AP Style
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Graphic Design Principles